2024年6月17日- 8月9日
暑假在十大彩票平台 is a unique experience designed for girls entering fourth through ninth grade. Camp runs every week from June 17th to August 9th and offers a variety of themes and activities that change weekly. Campers are invited to experience all 十大彩票平台 has to offer ranging from a creative science class to a knitting workshop.
我们重视每个营员的兴趣和爱好, 允许他们自定义他们的每周计划,完成四个日常活动. Each camper is encouraged to try new things and learn as much as possible about what camp is all about: fun!
- 日营每周475美元
- $250 per week for Equestrian Camp (in addition to the fees paid to the Equestrian Center)
- 早交或晚交需加收50美元.
- 我们的一些特别项目需要额外收费
A deposit of $150 per child per week is required at the time of registration to secure your camper’s spot. 押金将被应用到你的夏令营总费用中.
取消 & 修改政策
Weeks of camp can be canceled without penalty and for a full refund (including deposit) through June 14, 2024.
For cancellations made after June 14, 2024, the $150 per child per week deposit will not be refunded.
有哪些东西是你一直想做的? 扎染的衬衫? 自制手提袋? 画布上绘画? 在工艺美术方面, campers are encouraged to connect to their creative side and let their inner artist roam free! 从团体艺术活动到个人项目, 营员们将有机会创造自己的杰作!
"Calligraphy" is an engaging summer camp class that teaches kids the art of beautiful writing. 通过动手教学和创造性探索, 学生将学习书法的基本技巧, 从创建不同的信件风格到掌握华丽和修饰, 为孩子们提供一个有趣和艺术的表达方式.
"创造性的化学" is a fun and interactive summer camp class that teaches kids the basics of chemistry through engaging and easy experiments. 由热情的十大彩票平台辅导员带领, 本课程提供创建有趣项目的实践经验,如唇膏, slime, and more, 同时也介绍了化学的基本概念, 培养对科学和发现的热爱.
Fiber Arts
"Fiber Arts" is a fun and creative summer camp class that explores the art of working with fibers to create unique and beautiful pieces of art. 从编织和钩编到编织和刺绣, students will learn a variety of techniques and explore different materials to create their own one-of-a-kind fiber art projects, 鼓励创造力和自我表达.
"It's a Small World" is a creative summer camp class that teaches kids the art of making small clay figurines and landscapes. 通过动手教学和创造性探索, 学生将学习雕刻技术,创造自己的微型世界, 以有趣和吸引人的方式培养创造力和想象力.
用宝石迷阵的创作为你的生活增添一点微光! 在时尚珠宝营员有机会创造自己的项链, bracelets, 还有镶着珠子和珠宝的耳环!
"Knitting" is a fun and rewarding summer camp class that teaches kids the fundamental techniques of knitting. 通过动手教学和创造性探索, 学生们将学会如何穿搭脱搭, 编织和拉线, 遵循一个模式, creating their own unique projects and developing valuable skills in a fun and engaging way.
"Lights, Camera, “动作”是一个令人兴奋的夏令营课程,适合对电影制作艺术感兴趣的孩子. 这门课教授导演的基本原理, producing, 拍电影, 从剧本和故事板到编辑和后期制作, 在电影世界中提供身临其境的亲身体验.
如果你有幻想的火花和活跃的想象力,你会喜欢神话兽! 在这个课堂上, campers will be able to create their own incredible creatures and dreadful dragons using clay, 混凝纸浆, 以及其他材料! 用你的想象力来激发一个你自己创造的梦幻世界!
Nailed It
"Nailed It" is a sweet summer camp class that teaches kids the art of making delicious desserts. 尝试不同种类的甜点, this class encourages creativity and imagination in the kitchen while developing fundamental baking skills.
Calling all doodlers, drawers, and sketchers; 准备,设置,开牌 is the class for you! 用木炭,墨水,石墨和更多的东西来绘制你梦想的杰作! 十大彩票平台所有经验水平的人参加,我们鼓励所有的营员加入其中!
保存照片, letters, artwork and other memories in one place where you can revisit each moment again and again. Preserve camp memories and your favorite pictures in a beautiful scrapbook of your own creation.
你有什么秘密的天赋一直想和大家分享吗? 在十大彩票平台的达人秀中展示你内心的超级巨星. Campers can spend the whole week cultivating a talent act individually or in groups and practicing it to perfection, 最后在营地前表演他们的表演.
"扫描电镜在户外" is an exciting summer camp class that gets kids outside and exploring nature. 这个班提供各种各样的户外活动, 从自然界的寻宝游戏到户外工艺品, providing an opportunity for kids to enjoy the great outdoors and develop a love for nature.
十大彩票平台 Sports
"十大彩票平台 Sports" is a high-energy summer camp class that encourages kids to get active and develop their athletic abilities. 注重团队合作和体育精神, this class provides a fun and supportive environment where kids can learn and play a variety of sports.
"手语" is an engaging summer camp class that teaches kids the basics of American 手语 (ASL), 即使对这种语言一无所知. Led by Ms. Judy, 本课程提供互动和沉浸式体验, 向学生介绍字母表, 基本词汇, 还有句子结构, 同时也培养了对聋人文化和交流的欣赏.
"舞林争霸" is an exciting summer camp class for kids who love to dance and want to improve their moves. 由SAS辅导员带领, this class offers a fun and supportive environment for kids to learn and showcase different dance styles.
“TechWhiz”是一个令人兴奋的夏令营课程,适合对计算机科学感兴趣的孩子, 电子游戏设计, 和机器人. 本课程提供编程的实践经验, 游戏开发, 操作扫描电镜机器人, providing an immersive and engaging experience for kids looking to explore the world of technology.
你曾经想过自己写剧本并主演吗? 你在业余时间写剧本和电影,只是为了好玩吗? 你对戏剧感兴趣吗,想看看是否适合你? 如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答都是肯定的,那么我邀请你尝试一下“戏剧魔术”! 营员们可以自由写作, direct, 在他们自己的戏剧里表演,为整个营地表演!
The Voice
在卡拉ok课上唱出你的心声! Campers can spend their time singing their favorite songs with their counselors and friends and show their singing expertise!
暑假在十大彩票平台 has wonderful opportunities for all campers to expand their horizons and participate in unique "特殊的程序" that take their SAS experience to the next level. 夏天在十大彩票平台合作伙伴布法罗学术划船协会, Krista Van Wagner主厨, 布法罗游艇俱乐部, 水牛马术中心, 十大彩票平台 Varsity Squash Coach Mike Ferrick and 时尚的实验室 NY to allow our campers to learn new skills and master the craft of design, 运动与美食. 这些项目的名额有限,先到先得. 有些确实需要额外的费用. 更多信息见下文. 当你报名参加夏令营时,请报名参加这些特别节目.
赛艇是一项终极团队运动! 暑假在十大彩票平台 partners with the BSRA to bring a unique camp experience to our summer program. 这个项目教营员们如何沟通、领导和性格. Rowers will learn about time management and dedication so they can have respect for themselves, 通过诸如“学会划101”之类的项目,帮助队友和教练 & 102和划艇课. 划船是一项你可以做一辈子的运动, 它将挑战你的身体和精神. 它是极好的有氧和无氧运动,十大彩票平台12岁及以下的露营者!
水牛神学院 has partnered up with 水牛马术中心 again to offer an unforgettable summer camp opportunity for their campers. At the BEC, campers experience a fun introduction to riding for beginner and intermediate riders between the ages of 9 and 12 years old. 这个营地项目的特点是团体骑马会议和仪容整洁的指导 & 洗澡,编辫子,包扎,缝补 & 装备和马工艺品! 营员们还将参加各方面的稳定活动, 包括喂养和一般的马匹护理. 营地星期二至星期五上午8:30至下午12:00. 登记电话(716)877 - 9295或电子邮件 becandbtrc@aol.com 办理注册手续!
今年夏天在十大彩票平台的时尚和缝纫迷你夏令营中成为一名设计师! 和我们一起度过一个充满创造力的夏天,和新朋友一起玩乐, 当你学习新的生活技能时. Our Fashion Design and Sewing Camps allow campers to sew different clothing or craft projects, 并努力通过以下基本模式来提高他们的信心和技能, pinning, 切割织物, 线上缝纫, 用不同的针脚和面料工作. 所有的用品,装饰和缝纫机是由时装实验室纽约提供. 纽约时装实验室带着新项目回归! Make your ideas come to life - learn machine sewing, upcycle clothing, and fun dyeing techniques! 下午7/1 - 8/8的十大彩票平台周. 空间已经满了,而且名额有限!
夏天在十大彩票平台是回到水与布法罗游艇俱乐部的帆船项目. 在我们的SAS帆船项目中,9-12岁的露营者被邀请与十大彩票平台一起远航. 我们的露营者主要驾驶FJ和J/22号帆船以及各种较大的龙骨船. This program is designed for girls who love to be on the water and want to sail a variety of different sailboats. 这种体验可以让露营者感受这项运动,并从中获得乐趣. 露营者学习船的各个部分, 帆点, knots, 以及帆船运动的许多其他重要方面. 参加这个项目不需要经验, 并鼓励所有技能水平的人参与!